My Devotional – Succeeding In Life

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Consider these three attributes to establish a successful life:

(1) You must refuse to settle for yesterday’s accomplishments. If what you did yesterday still looks big to you today, you probably haven’t done enough today.

(2) You must refuse to sit around waiting for tomorrow’s opportunities. Between the great things we can’t do and the little things we won’t do, the danger is that we’ll do nothing. The world is blessed most by those who do things, not by those who merely talk about doing them.

(3) You must refuse to let your beginning dictate your end. George spent his early years shuffled between foster homes until one day Maria Watkins, a wash-woman, found him asleep in her barn. She didn’t just take him in; she took him to church and introduced him to Jesus. When he eventually left her home, he took with him the Bible she’d given him. Maria left her mark on his life, and George Washington Carver left his mark on the world.

This father of modern agriculture was a friend to three presidents as well as Henry Ford and Gandhi. He is credited with over three hundred different inventions. And the remarkable thing is, despite his disadvantages, he never became bitter or spent so much as a moment getting even. Instead, he went into his lab every morning and prayed, “Open my eyes that I may see.” How could God fail to bless someone with such an attitude?

Thank your for taking the time out to read this PR. I hope this was an inspirational message for you.


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